Family health and happiness begin at the table.
We are engaged in the development of new products that dry tea and fruit from shizuoka prefecture's local resources, including miyakojima mozuk in Okinawa Prefecture, which is safe and secure.

2020Year January

When I get back from my business trip,

When I return from a business trip, I always get exam drying and inquiries. This time I was away for a week, so there were more than usual. In this way, when you come back from a business trip, you will receive raw materials for refrigerator and freezer testing requests and drying consignments. At present, I am the only one who can do the exam, so it can't be helped, but ... I have a day trip to Tokyo next Wednesday, so I have to finish it by then. By the way, the image is a melon. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Body Clock

The day before yesterday, I returned to Japan, but it seems that my biological clock is still out of sync ... Every morning, I wake up naturally around 5:45, but after returning to Japan, I woke up at 6:45 for two consecutive days, It is exactly one hour time difference in Taiwan T. It's not jet lag, but my biological clock doesn't seem to be back, and I've been getting ready for the morning for two days in a row. Well ~ fortunately I'm off this Saturday, so I guess I'll be back to normal next week.Language this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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After a long business trip, I finally returned to Japan. Today I only travel, but I left Tainan first thing in the morning and transferred to the bullet train and MRT to hit Taoyuan International Airport around noon. Shizuoka Airport is quite inconvenient and troublesome. I ate a simple in-flight meal and landed safely, but I was glad I didn't have to change to another airport because the area around the airport was strong winds and I had to redo the landing. I will do my best to do my normal business from tomorrow. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Tainan Business Trip Day 7

Tainan Business Trip Day 7 The product exhibition ended yesterday, and I would like to return to Japan, but there is no flight to Shizuoka Airport. Today, I visited Anping District, Tainan City, and had one business meeting. The business meeting was with the manufacturer of "Sakura Stick" who went to Tainan together, but we were not informed until just before, so we could not prepare the product and it was mainly a business meeting of Sakura Stick. It was an introduction from a staff member of Minakami Town, Gunma Prefecture, who was seconded to Tainan City Hall, but to be honest, I don't have a good impression of jumping in from past experience in the state of almost diving business, so I don't expect it. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if the contact said in advance, but the person in charge probably responded and both the sakura stick and our dried fruits were quite good. We will respond after returning to Japan because we want to send the product to the store for business use and sell it in our own package. We also made a group line with the people who were present on the spot, so I think you will consider it quite positively. After that, we were shown around some of the mausoleums in Anping District. A mausoleum is a temple in Japan. All of them were brightly decorated just before the New Year, and it was a very beautiful image. It seems that there are more than 300 mausoleums in Tainan city alone, so I would like to visit a little more next time. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Tainan Business Trip Day 6 (Last Day of Product Exhibition)

It was finally the last day of the product exhibition. I had hoped that there would be more customers today, but it didn't come true. The photo shows the venue at lunchtime, but there are no customers as far as I can see. No matter how hard I try my best, there may be no one to listen to me ... Even so, I managed to increase the number of customers a little from the afternoon and reduce the amount that I could take home. I don't speak Chinese, so I can only thank the interpreter students. They actively appealed and tasted the products, and at the end of the day, they brought the products and sold them to the department store employees. Maybe Japan high school students can't do this? The full-scale launch is scheduled for tomorrow, so we did a small launch with a few people today. It seems to be a famous shop in Xiaolong Bao, and tourists do not come often, but it was cheap and delicious. Although there are not many tourists, there was a Japan notation on the menu, but ... I would like to return to Japan tomorrow, but the Shizuoka Airport flight is only Tuesday and Friday. Tomorrow, I plan to conduct market research such as supermarkets used by locals. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Tainan Business Trip Day 5

Tainan Business Trip Day 5 This Saturday, I was expecting a lot of visitors, but for some reason, the number of visitors did not increase at all. This cannot be done by our own power, so we have no choice but to sell it among the limited number of visitors. As usual, we are selling it by tasting it, but it is quite difficult. From today, the price was changed from 168 yuan for one piece to 400 yuan for three pieces, but there may not be customers who can fundamentally buy it ... There was one VIP room appeal along the way, but it was less than last year and other products hardly sold. Tomorrow is the last day of the product exhibition and I don't want to take it home, so I want to sell out somehow. The business operator is working part-time as an interpreter until 7 p.m. until closing, so I visited Hayashi Department Store for market research. Lin Department Store is the first department store in Taiwan, and the founder is Mr. Lin, who is Japan, so it is called Lin Department Store. Since it is a tourist destination, there are many customers and it is crowded, but there are souvenirs and fashionable miscellaneous goods. Since it is a country where there are many dried fruits, there are many types, from simple packages like this to fashionable packages. The price of simple things was cheap, but our products are not cheap, so on the contrary, it may be better to sell them at a high price with a sense of luxury. I'm still in Taiwan for 3 days, so I wanted to check other products and refer to them. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Tainan Business Trip Day 4

The business trip to Tainan has entered the fourth day, but there are no old birds at the product exhibition. Weekdays are unavoidable, so I would like to look forward to the weekend. Today we will take a break from talking about work. It's lunch today. It is a shop a short walk from the department store, but it is far from hygienic as you would think of in Japan. It's a common type of restaurant in Southeast Asia, but it's cheap and delicious. The photo shows rice noodles eaten with a hot dipping sauce on the menu called yume powder. It was refreshing and very delicious, but the price was 35 yuan, about 140 yen for Japan yen. This is quite surprising. Dinner was also a restaurant where locals would go, but 7 people gathered around a pot and ordered about 5 large bottles of beer, but everyone was full and it was 250 yuan per person, about 1000 yen. I get the impression that the shops that local people go to are quite cheap ~. I will do my best to sell a lot tomorrow. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Tainan Business Trip Day 3

The real thing is finally underway. The Fujieda product exhibition starts today from the 16th to the 19th. The opening ceremony was attended by the mayor of Anping District, Tainan City, and various related parties, and was grandly attended by newspaper reporters and TV shooters. The photo seems to be popular in Tainan, when it is a side show or dance at the beginning of the ceremony, and eight people danced to the song of Mt. Fuji and got excited. This afternoon, a business meeting was held at the adjacent hotel, and honestly, it was the event we were most excited about. Fortunately, three companies showed interest in their products and one of them showed interest in their products, so I would like to keep in touch with them after returning to Japan. It seems that it was published in today's Shizuoka Shimbun, but it is a Taiwanese newspaper, but an article that paid a courtesy call on the parliament was published. Tomorrow's Shizuoka Shimbun will have articles on product exhibitions and business meetings, so if you are interested, please take a look. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Tainan Business Trip Day 2

Second day of business trip to Taiwan Today, I traveled from Taipei to Tainan by bullet train first thing in the morning to pay courtesy calls in various directions and prepare the venue. The first thing I asked was to Enda International, which is organizing this project. It is difficult to see the image because it is a company that develops from both bank agencies to import and export, but they advertised this product exhibition on their own electronic bulletin board. After that, I paid a courtesy call on the mayor of Tainan City (the prefectural governor referred to as Japan), the city council, and the Anping District Office. At the city council meeting, I also visited the council hall and had a valuable experience. Finally, after meeting with the manager of Daien Department Store, which holds a product exhibition, we had an exchange party at the adjacent Shangri-La Hotel, prepared the venue, and returned to the hotel after 11 o'clock. There will be a product exhibition from tomorrow to Sunday, and there will be a business meeting tomorrow morning, so if there are vendors who are interested and we can communicate with them after returning to Japan, it is worth coming to Tainan, so I would like to do my best thinking that tomorrow is the real thing. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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本日より藤枝市の交流事業で台湾に来ています。 今日は移動だけで台北の近くの桃園にいますが明日から 藤枝市と友好都市の台南市に移動をします。 富士山静岡空港を19:30頃に出発して桃園のホテルにチャックインできたのが 23時(日本時間24時)で正直クタクタになってます。 明日、台南へ移動した後に様々なところに表敬訪問をして夜の交流会が終わってから 物産展の準備に入ります。 明日のかなりハードなので今日はそろそろ休みます。 明日から台南での状況を配信したいと思っています。 ホテルに戻って「ばたんきゅー」にならなければですけど・・・Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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