Family health and happiness begin at the table.
We are engaged in the development of new products that dry tea and fruit from shizuoka prefecture's local resources, including miyakojima mozuk in Okinawa Prefecture, which is safe and secure.

Oigawa Morning Market

久しぶりの投稿です。 今度の月曜日(4月29日)に大井川港で開催されます「大井川港朝市」に出店をします。 桜エビ、生しらすがメインのイベントですが昨年に続いて2度目の出店です。 朝の8時から12時までの午前中のみですがかなりのお客様がご来場になります。 しらすと桜えびには毎年、長蛇の列となるので今年もかなりではないでしょうか? 弊社は生モズク、海ぶどうとドライフルーツを販売します。 生モズクは300g入り×2袋で500円で ドライフルーツは全品500円で販売をしますので お時間のある方は是非お立ち寄りください。 売り切れていたらゴメンナサイ Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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ついにFOODEXが開幕しました。(3日前ですが・・) 今年は入口に近い事もあり多数の方に興味を示していただいております。 あと1日を残して予定していた資料がほとんど無くなってしまい 明日はどうしてものかと思っていますが名刺を頂いて後日お送りするようにしようかと考えています。 コロナも開けて海外からの来場者も以前のように復活していて 海外への提案も増えそうです。 今回はいつものドライフルーツだけではなくモズクも常時試食を行っていますが いまさらモズク・・と思っていましたが興味を示していただける方が多く忙しくなるかも知れません。 明日が最終日ですがご来場予定の方がおりましたらお立ち寄りください。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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October Event Information

今週末の7日(土)と8日(日)に開催されます「いちまるマルシェ」に出店します。 今回のテーマは「オクトーバーフェスト」 初めて生ビールサーバーでクラフトビールを堪能できます。 七輪コーナーも設置されるようで買った食材を焼きながら 生ビールが飲めます。 残念ながら弊社では七輪で焼くような物はありませんが 「海ぶどう」「生モズク」「ドライフルーツ」を出店します。 いちまるマルシェは初めて出店しますが前回にお客として来場した時には 大変賑わっていましたので楽しみです。 物産だけではなくいちまる厨房ではこだわりの商品も販売しています。 個人的には天然マグロたたきはお薦めです。 前回購入しましたが絶品でしたので時間があればまた購入したいと思います。 食に興味のある方は見るだけでも楽しいと思いますので是非ご来場ください。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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SHIDA Marche

先週は、イートフジマルシェに出店をいたしましたが 来週の土曜日、6月10日に「SHIDAマルシェ」に出店します。 昨年は蓮華寺池公園で開催しましたが 今年は焼津にある「焼津PORTERS」で開催されます。 うちは相変わらず海ぶどう、モズク、ドライフルーツですが長野、山梨からも 何社か出店しますので楽しみです。 昨年のSHIDAマルシェは雨上がりでテント内の地面はぬかるんでいて蒸し暑くて それだけで疲れましたが今回はコンクリートなので問題なし 海風が強いと商品は飛んでしまうかも知れませんが暑いよりはマシ 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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The 2nd Eto Fuji Marche

久しぶりの投稿です。 コロナもほぼ明けて様々なイベントが開催されていますが この度、静岡市の青葉シンボルロードで開催されます「イートフジマルシェ」に出店します。 先月に大井川港のイベントに出店をしましたが コロナ前の人だかりが戻って非常に賑やかなイベントでした。 今回は、ドライフルーツと海ぶどうを出店する予定でおります。 お時間のある方は熱中症対策をしてから遊びにきてください。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Grants Festa

This Sunday May 22 We will open a store at Grants Festa in Shizuoka City. The events continued with Oikawa Port on the first day of GW, Renhuaji Pond last week, and Grants Festa this week, but there are no plans for a while after Grants Festa, so if you are interested, please come by all means. Not only our company, but also store owners with commitment are selling. It will be the first time to open a store, but there seem to be various other events. The guide only states the start time of the event, but after 12:30, it seems that you can withdraw if it is sold out, so it is safe to think that it is an event only in the morning. We look forward to seeing you there. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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SHIDA Marche

We will open a store at "SHODA Marche" held from 10:00 to 15:00 tomorrow. The location is the event square in front of the museum in the lotus temple pond park and the smile square next to Starbucks. We will open a store in the event square in front of the museum, so please stop by. In recent years, the area around Renhuaji Pond Park has become more interesting. It may have been around the time that Starbucks was established some years ago, but I think that the number of shops where people gather has increased. Last month, we also opened "Tongaribo", which relocated the former Fujieda Tea Trading House, and Italian chef NORI opened a gelato specialty restaurant this month. (I haven't been there yet...) The photo above is pointy Tomorrow, I am worried about rain until the morning, but I am expecting it to be open because it is forecast to be sunny. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Thank you for coming.

The Food Development Exhibition ended on the 18th. According to the report from the secretariat, the number of visitors over the three days was about 21,000, which is about half of last year's. Although our company was not stationed at the catalog exhibition, there were inquiries such as drying tests from several people who brought back catalogs at the venue. I don't know if the test products will actually be sent, but I hope it will lead to the company's profits, even if only a little. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Food Development 2020 First Day

Since yesterday, we have been holding a food development exhibition at the International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight). As explained in the previous post, I made a simple preparation and watched the situation only in the morning before coming back. It was around 9:30 in the morning when I got out at 5:30 in the morning and arrived while getting stuck in a traffic jam of intensive construction on the way. It took me four hours. The booth is quite lonely, but I have asked the secretariat to discard everything when the last day of tomorrow is over, so it will be troublesome if I decorate it properly, so I really want to display product samples, but I definitely quit because it will be taken on the first day. I have left tasting samples, but I think they are about to disappear ~ I thought that there were many unmanned places like ours that were only exhibited and unattended, but most of the booths were responding as usual. However, the number of visitors was considerably less. I don't know because I was only at the venue AM, but I think it is about half of the usual year. I would be grateful if even one inquiry came to this exhibition, but it would be difficult. On the way back, I got stuck in traffic jams in some places. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Fujieda Onpaku 2020 Autumn

Yesterday, Fujieda Onpaku 2020 Autumn was held. Originally, it was planned around May, but due to the influence of corona, most of the events of Fujieda Onpaku were canceled, but the official name "Fujinokuni no Season-Eating Party IN Onpaku" was held yesterday with a delay of 5 months. To put it simply, it is like a social tour for adults Departing from Fujieda Station, eating jibie at Oshu Mamiya, eating mozuku and sea grapes at home, finally tasting Japan sake at Sugii Sake Brewery, returning to Fujieda Station and disbanding It seems that all this process exceeds 10,000 steps on foot. This time, about 15 people came to the company and explained about dryers, dried fruits, mozuku, etc., tasted them, and were able to hear various opinions. I am satisfied that the product was sold in a very meaningful time. Thank you for taking the time to come. LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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